Friday, May 22, 2009

The Four Most Important Lines in Act II, scs. i and ii

Please find what you believe are the FOUR most important lines in Act II, scs. i and ii. You must:
  1. post each important line word for word with citation
  2. explain your reasoning for chosing each line


Most Important Lines from Act II, scs. i and ii

#1: " Is this a dagger I see before me?" Act I, sc i line 1000

This line is the most important because it makes the reader understand that MacBeth sees things which means he is CRAZY. That shows the reader that he is capable of CRAZINESS.


  1. Spyro Fletouris

    1. "I dreamt last night of the three Weird Sisters" Act 2 sce.1 line 25

    This line shows how Banquo is thinking of the propechy told by the witches. Banquo is dreaming about them because he wants his children to be in power. He also knows what Macbeth has to do to become king. Banquo is being smart when trying to fulfill his propechy.

    2. "Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse" Act 2 sce.1 line 62

    This line is important because it shows Macbeth's thoughts of how the good in the world is dying. The good in nature is no longer there and all that is left are bad things. The evil words of the witches are haunting Macbeth's mind and causing him to do bad things.

    3. "Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor. Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more." Act 2 sce.2 line 55

    This line is important because Macbeth feels horrible for killing king Duncan. Macbeth feels guilty and will never be the same again. The town will not be happy and either will Macbeth. This event will cause Macbeth to go insane in his mind and talk to himself. Macbeth can't face the fact that he killed his king.

    4. "My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white" Act 2 sce.2 line 82

    This line shows how Lady Macbeth helped Macbeth with the killing of Duncan. Lady Macbeth is not innocent because her hands were stained with the blood of the king. Lady Macbeth is trying to get power as a women any way she can. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth both feel guilty about the murder.

  2. Nesma Annr

    Act II, sc i
    Lines 61-62

    1. “Now o’er the one-half world nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleep”(p.53).
    -This line is important because it shows how Macbeth is believing in the witches’ prophecy and how he is beginning to review the world. This line is important because it is making the reader know Macbeth as a character better. In this line, Macbeth believes that nature doesn’t really exist anymore and instead he says that the world is full of wickedness.

    Act II, sc ii
    Lines 45-46

    2. “These deeds must not be thought after these ways; so, it will make us mad”(p.57).
    -This line is important because it shows how Macbeth is getting crazy. Lady Macbeth tells him if he keeps thinking about Duncan’s murder, he will become mad. Since Macbeth is worried and keeps thinking about it, he will become crazy.

    Act II, sc ii
    Lines 66-67

    3. “I am afraid to think what I have done. Look on’t again I dare not”(p.59).
    -This line is important because it shows how Macbeth feels about the murder. He doesn’t want to bring back the daggers and is afraid to think about what he did. This line makes the reader think whether or not Macbeth will remain evil.

    Act II, sc i
    Line 58

    4. “And, on my blade and dungeon, gouts of blood”(p.53).
    -This line is important because it shows how Macbeth is already seeing himself killing Duncan. He becomes evil and already sees it happen. He pictures a dagger and knows he will murder Duncan.

  3. 1. “Is this a dagger which I see before me...” Act II, sc i line 44

    This line is very important because it a sign of what is to come for Macbeth. Macbeth is seeing this imaginary dagger in his mind. It is not real. Macbeth is seeing an illusion which can lead to the conclusion that he is going mad. This line allows for a reader to understand that later on in the play Macbeth will see even more things in his head. An example of this is when Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth he can’t understand why he could not say “Amen” after the guards said “God bless us” (lines 37-40).

    2. “I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven or to hell.” Act II, sc i line 75-77

    This line is very important because it is where Macbeth declares that he will kill Duncan. He had so many thoughts and reasons before as to why he should not kill Duncan, but now this line declares that he will. It shows that Macbeth can follow through with his plans.

    3. “It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman...” Act II, sc ii line 5

    This line is important because Lady Macbeth is justifying the murder Macbeth has committed. On the side of the page it says that a bellman was a town crier who rang the bell before an execution. In Lady Macbeth’s words, the bellman is an owl because it’s hoot usually represents death. In Lady Macbeth’s opinion, this is a sign that Macbeth was meant to kill Duncan and therefore it is justified.

    4. “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The Multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red.” Act II, sc ii line 77-81

    This line is important because Macbeth is telling himself that he will never to wipe away the guilt he feels about killing Duncan. He knows that he will never be capable of metaphorically washing Duncan’s blood off his hands. Duncan’s death was his fault and he feels that it will stain him forever. Macbeth also realizes that there is no way he can ever be forgiven for the murder.

  4. 1. "But wherefore could not I pronounce "Amen"?" Act II scene II line 42
    This line is important because it shows how Macbeth is feeling guilty after killing the king. His conscience is taking over him, therefore he's unable to say amen when the servants said "God bless you" in their sleep. This shows the reader how he is beginning to regret killing the king and that he knows he was guilty in doing so.

    2. "Is this a dagger which I see before me" Act II scene I line 44
    This line is important because it shows that Macbeth is becoming crazy. It shows how he is starting to hallucinate because of his guilty conscience and he can no longer determine if the dagger he saw was real or just an illusion in his mind. This tells the reader that he is becoming crazy and he might turn mad during the process of planning Duncan's death and it also shows change in his character.

    3. "To you they have showed some truth." Act II scene I line 26
    This line is important because it refers to how the three witches' prophecies about Macbeth was true. This shows the reader a foreshadow of what might happen next if the witches' predictions were really accurate.

    4. "I go, and it is done. The bell invites me." Act II scene I line 75
    This line is important because it shows that Macbeth has made his decision and is going to kill the king. Macbeth refers to the bell as his signal to go ahead and kill the king. The bell is a symbol of Duncan's fate. It determines the time of his death. This shows the reader that the king is going to die in the hands of Macbeth.

  5. 1a) “I go, and it is done. The bell invites me.
    Hear it not, Duncan, for it a knell
    That summons thee to heaven or to hell.” Act 2. SC.1 Line 75-77
    1b) Macbeth transforms to a murderer with thoughts that are crazy. This line was a turning point revealing Macbeth final transformation. It shows his bloodlust to become king.
    2a) “I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?” Act 2. SC. 2 Line 19
    2b) Macbeth changed to a less prudent person. When Macbeth stated that line he showed no sympathy for his actions. This was a turning point in Macbeth transformation.
    3a) “As they had seen me with these hangman’s hands,
    List’ning their fear. I could not say “Amen” ” Act 2. SC. 2 Line 38-39
    3b) Macbeth was nervous about getting caught with his hands full with guilt. The atrocity he committed created a small sense of guilt. This was a new issue contributed by his new transformation.
    4a) “I am afraid to think what I have done.
    Look on ‘t again I dare not.” Act 2. SC.2 Line 66-67
    4b) The action Macbeth committed was tremendously gruesome that he did not dare to look back on. The rational side of him was conflicting with his judgment which created a small sense of guilt. This is demonstrated through the mood in the line and it creates a strong feeling existent throughout the act.

  6. #1:"I go,and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell." Act 1,sc 1 line 75-77

    This line is important to the scene because it states Macbeth's decision to kill Duncan. This line proves that Macbeth's ambition will get in the way of his kindness and loyalty;Macbeth is reaching a point of no return.

    #2:"One cried 'God bless us' and 'Amen' the other, As they had seen me with these hangman's hands, list'ning their fear. I could not say 'Amen' when they did say 'God bless us.'" Act 2,sc 2 line 37-41

    This is a crucial line to scene 2 because it's when Macbeth separates himself from good and evil. He knows that what has done is wrong and begins to show some kind of remorse. His wife is taking Duncan's murder lightly, Macbeth on the other hand is not.

    #3"Go get some water and wash this filthy witness from your hand. Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there. Go, carry them and smear the sleepy grooms with blood" Act 2,sc 2 line 64

    This line is important to this specific scene because it shows the contrast between two main characters. Through these lines the audience begins to see who is truly the mastermind behind the murder. Lady Macbeth is really the most devious character throughout the play. She plans everything and makes sure Macbeth follows through with her plans.

    #4"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green on red" Act 2, sc 2 line 78-81

    This line is important in order to understand Macbeth's character. He is becoming more paranoid and his thoughts remain only in his guilt and the act he committed. Macbeth describes the murder as something that not even Neptune's ocean can wipe from his hands. Instead,his bloody hands would taint the ocean upon a single touch.

  7. 1. - “I am afraid to think what I have done. Look ont again I dare not”

    This line is important because it shows the feeling of guilt that Macbeth is having. He tries not to remember what he did. This quote relates to fridays class discussion. This can be an example of there being hope for him going back to the way he was.

    2. - "To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself" Act 2 Scene 1

    This line is important because it shows a change in Macbeth. He knows what he has done is wrong and he feels guilty. In this quote he is saying that he does not know himself anymore. What he has done is not something he would do so its an exaple of a change in Macbeth. He even realizes it when he says he doesnt know himself anymore.

    3. - “Is this a dagger which I see before me...” Act 2 Scene 1

    This line is also important because it shows another change in Macbeth. The main character slowly shows transitions from a brave soldier to an evil and insane character. He starts imagining a dagger. His guilty conscious haunts him for what he has done. What he has done ws caused by his own ambition to make the witches prophecy come true.

    4. - "But wherefore could not I pronounce "Amen"?
    I had most need of blessing, and "Amen"
    Stuck in my throat." Act 2 Scene 1

    These lines are important becuase it is the first time in the book that we are introduced to religon. The religon we see is christianity. He tells Lady Macbeth how he couldnt say "Amen". This is an example of how Macbeth stops believing in God like Elie in "Night". This shows irony because he needed to be blessed by God.

  8. 1) Act I, sc1 lines 19-20
    "By the name of most kind hostess, and shut up In measureless content."
    This line helped show how Banquo's character is. In order to hid from the others the fact that he was out so late at night with a sword he bribed Macbeth to not tell anyone with a diamond. The "shut up" is to tell Macbeth to keep it between himself and no one else.
    2) Act II, sc2 line 28
    "A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight."
    This line is important because it helps portray the power and evilness Lady Macbeth has. Lady Macbeth did not care of who died but was only upset that they might have been heard doing the deed.
    3) Act 22, sc2 line 69
    "Give me the dagger, The sleep and the dead"
    This line shows Lady Macbeth's character. Through the words of Lady Macbeth to Macbeth about the killing, Lady Macbeth is the fearless one who is willing to do the bloody work while her husband, the man of the family will stand there and wine. Lady Macbeth is not only evil but she is also strong willed, brave, and powerful.
    4) Act II, sc2 line 86
    "A little water clears is of this deed."
    This line shows that Lady Macbeth is the mastermind behind the killing. She not only forced Macbeth to kill the king but she is also telling him how to clean this mess they have created among themselves.

  9. #1: "There's no such thing. It is the bloody business which informs Thus to my eyes." Act II, sc i lines 59-61

    This line is important because it shows how nervous MacBeth is and how scared he is to kill the king. He imagines the bloody sword that he kills the king with. This line shows how nervous MacBeth is to kill the king and that he doesn't really want to.

    #2: "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep" Act II, sc ii lines 57-58

    This line is important because is shows how guilty MacBeth felt while killing Duncan. MacBeth thought he heard someone screaming that he had kill the king while he was sleeping. MacBeth heard a voice in him and it was his conscience. MacBeth felt guilt when he killed Duncan and this shows that MacBeth is not all evil.

    #3: "My hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white." Act II, sc ii lines 82-83

    This line is important because it shows how brave and evil Lady MacBeth is. Lady MacBeth just came back from puttig the swords on the two chamberlains and she felt no guilt. In this line, Lady MacBeth is trying to say that she has blood on her hands too and did a sin but she will be shameful if she had such a nice heart as MacBeth. This shows that Lady Macbeth it not as cowardly as MacBeth. Lady MacBeth was brave for putting the daggers in the chamberlains room but since she felt no guilt, she was evil.

    #4: "A little water clears us of this deed." Act II, sc ii line 86

    This qoute is important because it shows how evil minded Lady Macbeth is. She thinks that as long as there is no evidence to them killing Duncan then its okay. Lady Macbeth also felt no guilt after what she had done and is proud of it too. She was the one who thought of this idea, she plot the whole thing and it shows how evil minded she is.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 1.“ Our will became the servant to defect”. Act II sci i line 22
    This line is important because it talks about Banquo and Macbeth desires. Macbeth desires to become king, while Banquo dreams about the weird sister prophesy. These thoughts make Macbeth and Banquo to become servants. Macbeth and Banquo want the prediction to be true and Macbeth will do anything for it to happen.
    2.“I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.” Act II sci I line 47
    This line is important because Macbeth is saying that he is seeing thing. He thinks that a dagger is there, but he does not feel it there. He is saying that he is becoming crazy. He either going crazy because he going to kill someone or he loosing his mind.
    3.“That summons thee to heaven or to hell.” Act II sci I line 77
    This line is important because Macbeth is on his way to kill Ducan and he say that Ducan judgment is going to be decide. At the same time it also Macbeth judgment that is going to be decided. If Macbeth kills Ducan then Macbeth goes to hell, if he does not then he goes to heaven.
    4.“….the innocent sleep.” Act II sci ii line 48
    This line is important because Macbeth is telling his wife what he had heard. If Macbeth does not sleep then he is guilty. Macbeth has already committed a crime and he feels awful about it so this predicts that Macbeth will not sleep. Sleep is important because it help someone to deal with issues that they might have.

  12. #1: “Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives way to in repose.” Act II, sc 1 lines 9-11

    This line is most important because it shows that Banquo is also thinking of the three witches’ prophecies. Macbeth is not the only one who wants the prophecy to be fulfilled. Banquo would also like to see it become true and for his children to be in power. This line is very important because it could foreshadow Banquo’s future actions.

    #2: “Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell.” Act II, sc 1 lines 76-77

    This line is most important because Macbeth hears the signal which means that he is on his way to kill Duncan. This is important because killing Duncan changes Macbeth’s future and fulfils the third prophecy. Duncan’s death can lead Macbeth to heaven or to hell. Macbeth would go to heaven if the murder was successful and he became king. He would go to hell if he got caught for the murder.

    #3: “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done‘t.” Act II, sc 2 lines 16-17

    This line is most important because it shows that Lady Macbeth desires power just as much as her husband does. She is willing to kill Duncan, but he looked like her dad when he slept which stopped her from doing it. This shows that Lady Macbeth will do anything for power, but it also shows that she has a heart because she didn’t go through with the murder herself. This line could foreshadow that Lady Macbeth could feel guilty for Duncan’s murder in the future

    #4: “To know my deed ‘twere best not know myself.” Act II, sc 2 line 93

    This line is most important because Macbeth has carried through with the murder and is feeling very guilty. Macbeth does not feel good about what he has done and it does not represent the person he used to be. This line is important because it shows all the guilt Macbeth feels which means it might be difficult for him to act innocent. His guilt could cause him to show his true actions.

  13. Monica
    1): "Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible" Act II, sc i Line 47

    This line is important because it shows the reader that he is going to a little paranoid because of his ambition towards the throne. It also shows the reader that this situation has turned him into this crazy man, but it also shows that he will regret what he'll do. Most people tend to become traumatized after doing a bad deed.

    2): "Which nowe suits with it. Whiles i threat, he lives." Act II, sc i Line 73

    This line is important because it shows how Macbeth thinks life is unfair. he is implying that why is the king still living within him when he is plotting to get rid of him. This shows that Macbeth is paralyzed over what he is going to do.

    3): "These deeds must not be thought." Act II, sc ii Line 45

    This line is important because it shows the reader that Lady Macbeth is evil. This shows that she had no remorse over the death that her husband caused. The readers can realize that Lady Macbeth is the one controlling her husband.

    4): "Me thought i heard a voice cry "Sleep nomore!" Act II, sc ii Line 47

    This line is important beause it shows the reader that Macbeth has a conscience. It also shows that he is guilty towards the murder he did and for that reason he won't be able to sleep well anymore.

  14. Christian Sanchez
    “I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters. To you they have showed some truth” Act. 2 Scene I pg. 51 lines 25-26
    Banquo thought about the three weird sisters and the prophecy they had made. He told Macbeth that the prophecy had become true for him when he became Cawdor. Macbeth tells him that he hadn’t thought about it and that they would discuss it another time. Banquo knows the prophecy and he suspects that Macbeth is trying to pursue his destiny.
    “I go, and it is done. The bell invites me” Act. 2 Scene I pg. 53 line 75
    Macbeth hears the bell which is a signal from his wife to kill King Duncan. He is ready to kill him in order to become king but he fears being discovered. Macbeth must commit an evil act in order to fulfill his desire to become king.
    “I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?” Act. 2 Scene II pg. 55 line 19
    Macbeth arrives at his room and tells Lady Macbeth that he has killed King Duncan. He asks Lady Macbeth if he heard a noise but she answers that she only heard the crickets. Macbeth is paranoid after Duncan’s death because he doesn’t want to be discovered. He hears noises and he does not want to risk himself.
    “I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal, For it must seem their guilt.” Act. 2 Scene II pg. 59 lines 72-73
    Lady Macbeth is planning to frame Duncan’s servants of his murder. The servants will be the ones who take the blame for Duncan’s murder because they will have blood smeared on them. No one will suspect that Macbeth killed Duncan.

  15. "Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell." Act II sci i line 75-76
    In this line, Macbeth is stating that he is going to kill Duncan. This is important because if Macbeth kills Duncan, Macbeth will become the king.

    "I am afraid to think what I have done..." Act II sci ii line 66
    This is important because Macbeth is feeling guilty for killing Duncan. He is afraid to even think what he did because he murdered him in his sleep and in cold blood, so he feels consumed by guilt.

    "...this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red." Act II sci ii line 79-81
    Macbeth is speaking figuratively here, saying that in murdering Duncan he has turned the green sea red; red with blood. It further confirms he feels remorse for his actions on the inside.

    "A little water clears of us this deed. How easy is it, then!" Act II sci ii 86-87
    This line shows how Lady Macbeth has been pushing Macbeth to become king. While Macbeth is frozen with guilt and pondering what he has done, she talks him into taking action and covering up the evil deed.

  16. 1.)"I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters. To you they have show'd some truth. (ActII scene i, lines 24-25)
    -This line is important because it shows the reader the characteritic of Banquo. It shows that Banquo is dreaming about them to show his knowledge between Macbeth and the witches. Banquo told Macbeth that the witches told him the truth about him.

    2.)"A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
    Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?"(act II scene ii, Line 46-47)
    -This quote is important because it helps the reader understand the plot more. When Macbeth has the vision of the dagger afront of him, he wonders whether what he sees is real or imaginary.

    3.)"Me thought I heard a voice cry “Sleep no more! Macbeth doth Murder sleep”"(Act II scene ii Lines 46-47)
    -This quote is important because it helps the reader understand the plot. While Macbeth and the others were saying "amen", the word was stuck in his throat and could not say it. He heard a voice that cried out "Sleep no more, Macbeth does murder sleep"(line 46-47)

    4.)"To know my deed ‘twere best not know myself.” (Act II, scene ii, line 93)
    -This quote is important because it shows Macbeth's characteristics. It shows that he is very guilty now for his action. He feels very guilty and now he is not the person he use to be.

  17. #1 “Hear not my steps, which walk, for fear thy very stones prate of my whereabouts and take the present horror from the time.” Act I, sc i lines 70-72

    This line is important because it show how Macbeth is losing his mind. He wants the silence to go away because it just adds to him losing his mind.

    #2 “Mine eyes are made the fools o’th’ other senses or else worth all the rest” Act I, sc i lines56-57

    This line shows that Macbeth's eyes are either right when his other senses are wrong or his eyes are wrong when his senses are right. It is important because his eyes are their own.

    #3 “I am afraid to think what I have done.” Act II, sc ii line 66

    This line is important because it is Macbeth speaking after he has killed King Duncan. It shows that he feels guilty of his death.

    #4 "My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white" Act II, sc ii line 82

    This line is important because Lady Macbeth had helped in the killing of King Duncan. She says that her hands are the same color of his because she has blood on them like his. She does not feel guilty because she wants Macbeth to be King so she can have power.

  18. #1"Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursèd thoughts that nature gives way to in repose." Act II, sc. 1 lines 9-11

    This line is said by Banquo. This line is important because it shows the thoughts of someone who was alongside Macbeth once the prophets were told. Its shows also that, even though the witches' prophesies are real, it is possible for Banquo to contain himself. Banquo knows that even though he's having evil thoughts of how his children will become heirs of the throne, he can restrain himself from evil actions.

    #2"Or art thou but a dagger of the mind, a false creation proceeding from the heart opressèd brain?" Act I, sc. 1 lines 49-51

    This line, said by Macbeth, is showing how Macbeth is beginning to lose his mind. He's beginning to see things; he's nervous. This line shows that Macbeth really isn't okay with killing Duncan and is doing it because he has to. Macbeth is becoming ill mentally after being pressured into doing such acts as killing the king.

    #3"Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives." Act II, sc. 1 line 74

    This line shows that Macbeth is finding ways to delay his act. He's speaking a lot and profoundly just to avoid the fact that he has to kill Duncan in order to get what he wants.

    #4"To know my deed 'twere best not know myself." Act II, sc. 3 line 93

    This line shows how Macbeth has noticed his change in character. He knows that what he has done has gone against all of his moral standards; the person he was. This line is significant because it shows that Macbeth knew how he had changed but didn't want this deed to govern the person he is. He doesn't want to be judged by what he did because it isn't who he is.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. 1. "Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell." Act II Scene I: Line 75-77.
    Thsi line is important because it is showing the moment Macbeth kills Duncan. Macbeth kills Duncan when he is signaled to. When Duncan dies, he is either going to heaven or hell.

    2. "Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more." Act II Scene II: Line 57.
    This line is important because it represents Macbeth's guilt. Macbeth feels very bad after killing Duncan. Macbeth believes that this feeling of guilt will always stay. It will always bother him enough that he cannot sleep at night. Macbeth will find it hard to deal with this guilt feeling.

    3. "I am afraid to think what I have done. Look on 't again I dare not." Act II Scene II: Line 65-67.
    This line is important because it also shows Macbeth's guilt. Macbeth isn't happy with the fact that he killed Duncan. He doesn't like to be reminded of the vile act he has committed. Macbeth doesn't dare to look upon that body whom he murdered.

    4. "To know my deed 'twere best not know myself." Act II Scene II: Line 94.
    This line is important because it shows Macbeth's feelings about killing Duncan. He doesn't like to be reminded of his action. The fact that he killed someone close and trustful upsets him. He'd rather not think about it because thinking about it makes Macbeth feel uncomfortable because he killed someone who stayed loyal to him.

  21. 1. "There's husbandry in heaven; Their candles are all out." Act Ii, sc. 1, lines 6-7
    This line is important because it foreshadows what will happen next. On that night of King Duncan's murder there was no stars were shining , the night was dark.

    2. "Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursèd thoughts that nature gives way to in repose." Act II, sc. 1 lines 9-11
    This line is important because even though the witches prophecies were correct, Banquo is in total control of himself. Even though Banquo is having evil thoughts, he is still controlling himself from his evil thoughts.

    3. "I am afraid to think what I have done." Act II sc.2, line 66
    This line is an important line because right after Macbeth killed Duncan for the throne, he seems guilty after what he has done. He is feeling guilty after killing him even though that's what he wanted after all.

    4. "Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done 't." Act II, sc.2, lines 16-17
    This line is also very important because Lady Macbeth was also thinking about killing Duncan. Lady Macbeth is a women that seeks power by doing anything to obtain that power. As she was about to kill Duncan she says that Duncan looked like her father and that is what prevented her from killing Duncan. This shows that Lady Macbeth will do anything in her power to obtain the throne for herself.

  22. Act II Scene II ,lines 66-67
    1." I am afraid to think what i have done. Look on't again I dare not.
    This line is important because it shows how Macbeth is slowly changing.Since his wife convinced him to kill Duncan he became more evil and harsh.He believe what has done was not wrong and hes not afraid to admit. Macbeth started to become more brave because he has other people to support him.

    Act II Scene I , lines 69-70
    2."Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead are but as pictures"
    This line is important because it shows how Macbeth isn't afraid of Duncan haunting him. The action he took was only a scene and a picture to him because it had past.This picture will often pop up in his head because it showed how he became brave and having the courage to kill Duncan.
    3.Act II Scene I , lines 50-51
    "A dagger of the mind, a false creation Proceeding from the head-oppressed brain?"
    This line is important because even when Macbeth is sleeping he is dreaming of a dagger in his hands.This shows how Macbeth became evil because hes planning it and after he killed Duncan he wasn't afraid of what he did.With lady Macbeth words he decided what she said was true and he didn't know she wanted power if he becomes king.
    4.Act II Scene I lines 25-26.
    " I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters.To you they have showed some truth".
    This line is important because it shows what the weird sisters said about Macbeth is true. The three sisters are similar to someone who predicts the future.Macbeth will begin to listen to the weird sisters due to the prediction they made.

  23. “If you shall cleave to my consent, when ‘tis, it shall make honor of you.” (Act 2 sc I line 34-35)
    This line is said by Macbeth to Banquo. Macbeth is trying to let Banquo at his side. This line is also important because Macbeth knew that Banquo heard the prophecy, too. Macbeth might think that Banquo knew what’s going on so now Macbeth is trying to get Banquo at his side. Macbeth is implying that he will give Banquo a higher title after the assassination if he is with Macbeth.
    “I laid their daggers ready (Act 2 sc ii line 15)”
    I have chosen this line because it implied that Macbeth is ready to kill Duncan and he is becoming guilty. Macbeth starts to become evil and now there is no turning back for him. This could be a turning point for Macbeth’s good natures to becoming evil. Now he is not his old self so he will do anything to get the power.
    “Didst thou not hear a noise? (Act 2 sc ii lines 19)
    This line is showing Macbeth’s fear in killing Duncan because he is afraid that people will hear the scream of Duncan. From that the guards will awake and knew that Macbeth killed Duncan. This quote is important because it is the scene that he becomes guilty for his actions.
    “Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would thou couldst (Act 2 sc ii lines 94-95)”
    Macbeth said the line to show that he has not notice the death of Duncan so he is pretending to be ignorance to the death. This line implied that Macbeth is acting that nothing have happen so far and he is asleep. It is an important line because it shows that Macbeth is flowing along the flow so he is acting along to make people think that he is innocent.

  24. Nestor

    1. “Witchcraft celebrates Pale Hecate’s off rings, and withered murder” Act 2 sc i lines 63-64
    These lines are important because they describe Macbeth’s emotions when he was going to kill Duncan. He describes a scene in which he describes the goddess of witchcraft making sacrifices. This shows how wicked the action he is about to commit is. Also it is interesting that he refers to witchcraft, since he met the Weird Sisters.

    2. “A foolish thought, to say sorry sight.” Act 2 sc ii line 29

    Lady Macbeth shows her great greed in this line. After Macbeth came in and said that it was a sorry sight when he killed Duncan Lady Macbeth said that it wasn’t. She said that he was a fool so say such thing. She shows how she isn’t remorseful at all for what had happened.

    3. “Macbeth shall sleep no more.” Act 2 sc ii line 57

    This line is important because Macbeth was hallucinating and felt guilty. He killed Duncan and was horrified because of that. This is very important since this was part of the prophecy the Weird Sisters made. He was saying that he heard someone say that he will sleep no more. This probably was his conscience showing how guilty he felt.

    4. “Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would thou couldst.” Act 2 sc ii lines 94-95

    These lines are important because of the remorse Macbeth felt. In these lines Macbeth says to the knocking to wake Duncan up since whishes they could. Macbeth whishes he didn’t kill Duncan, thus these lines are of great importance since they show Macbeths emotions.

  25. “Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives.” ACT 2. Sc. I line 74
    According to the explanatory notes, this quote means “talking simply cools off the heat that drives action.” I chose this as an important line because it really gives off a lot about Macbeth’s character. Macbeth does a lot of talking, especially to himself. Talking takes away the anger that drives him away from doing something wrong. Macbeth seems to resort to violence when he wants something.
    “Macbeth shall sleep no more.” ACT 2. Sc. 2 line 57
    I chose this as an important line because it’s almost as a turning point for Macbeth. Macbeth says this line himself as if he knows what’s coming for him. He begins to believe the Witches’ prophecies.
    “My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white.” ACT 2. Sc. 2 line 82
    This quote tells a lot about Lady Macbeth. She wears the blood on the hands but portrays herself in innocence. Lady Macbeth lusts for power and the finer things.
    “To know my deed ‘twere best not know myself.” Act 2. Sc. 2. line 93
    Macbeth ends the scene feeling like he doesn’t want to know what’s in his future anymore. He goes through all the trouble of murdering but still he feels confused.

  26. “The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven or to hell” Act 2 sce. 2 line 75
    This quote is stated when the Macbeth gets the signal from his wife and sets of to kill Duncan. It shows how Macbeth is going through with the plan. It sounds as though he feels sorry for Duncan but has no choice. His wife has convinced him to go through with the murder. This is the crucial moment that fate has chosen for Macbeth.

    "'Tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil.” Act 2 sce.2 line 70
    This is an important quote because it shows that dark side of ambition. Lady Macbeth is so power hungry that she sees murder as child’s play. When Macbeth refuses to go back to put the daggers he says that she would do it. She says that he has already killed and shouldn’t be afraid of seeing the body. There is nothing scary about the dead.

    “Macbeth shall sleep no more.” Act 2 sce. 2 line 57
    This line is important because it shows t real Macbeth. He has killed Duncan and feels guilty. Macbeth was having doubts about murdering the king but still does it. His conscience now hunts to him and he feels terrible for his actions. The good side of Macbeth is now bothering him.

    “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red." Act 2 sce. 2 line 75-80
    These lines are important because Macbeth realizes that his guilt will never go away. He has murdered Duncan and even though he can wash the blood off his hands, the pain and guilt will always remain. He compares his world to an ocean which is now going to be poisoned by guilt.

  27. Act 2 Sn 2 line 25

    I dreamt last night of the three wierd sisters.

    This quote is important, as it shows hwo Banquo is having internal conflict like Macbeth. According to the sister's prophecy Banquos son king wil evnutlly be king. In order for this to transpire Banwuo has to kill King Duncan. This is where he is unsure of what to do.

    Act Sn 2 line 39

    List'ning thier fear. I coulndt not say "Amen"

    This quote shows the guilt that Macbeth is feeling. He feels remorce for killing King Duncan , a king that was loved by his people.

    and wash this witness from from your hand Act 2 Sn 2 line 61

    This line shows how his wife is determined to follow thorugh with their plan , even if Macbeth is not as determined. This also shows how cunning lady Macbeth is, telling her husband to discard opf the evidence that pins them to the murder

    Act 2 Sn 2 line 47 Macthough i heard a voice cry "sleep on more Macbeth does murder sleep.

    This line alos shows Macbeths guilt. He is things that arent there and hearing things thats dont exist. This shows the uneassness of killing king Duncan for fear of getting caught and having to deal with the conceconsequences.

  28. Ahmed Atieh
    -“Thy very stones prate of my whereabouts”. Act 2 Sc. 1 line-71
    Macbeth is saying that even the stones go against his intentions of killing Duncan. This line is used to emphasize the horror of killing Duncan. Even the stones that Macbeth walks on think it’s wrong to kill Duncan.

    -“And take the present horror from the time”. Act 2 Sc. 1 line-72
    Macbeth wants the horror to be removed from this situation. At this moment, Macbeth is on his way to go kill Duncan. The sound of his footsteps takes away the horror from the moment’s silence.

    -“Which now suits with it. Whiles I threat, he lives”. Act 2 Sc.1 line-73
    Macbeth is saying that the horror suits the situation he is in. He realizes that when his threats are different than his actions because Duncan was still alive when Macbeth was threatening to kill him. It is different now that he is actually going to kill him.

    -“Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives”. Act 2 Sc. 1 line-74
    According to the explanatory notes, this means “talking simply cools off the heat that drives action”. In my opinion, I think it means the opposite. I think that it is implying that when it comes down to the deepest of actions, words can take control and decide whether the action happens or not.

  29. The four most important lines are:

    #1: "I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry." (ACT 2, SC. 2 Line 20)
    This line is important. It lets the audiences know how quiet the surrounding was when Macbeth killed Duncan. This is why Lady Macbeth can hear "the owl scream and the crickets cry."

    #2: "Macbeth shall sleep no more." (ACT 2, SC. 2 Line 56)
    Macbeth kept repeating "Shall sleep no more." It makes the people who is watching or reading this scene notice that the line implies that Macbeth would probably have nightmares or flashbacks from time to time because he was the one who killed Duncan. Macbeth would forever be guilty. This line is important and that is why Shakespeare made Macbeth continuously repeating it.

    #3: "My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white." (ACT 2, SC. 2 Line 82)
    This line implies that, no one would know Lady Macbeth was involved in killing Duncan. Therefore, Lady Macbeth is seen to be innocent since she "wear a heart so white." But she feels guilty for helping Macbeth kill Duncan and that is why she stated that her hands are the same color as Macbeth's.

    #4: "A little water clear us of this deed." (ACT 2, SC. 2 Line 84)
    This line implies that Lady Macbeth portrays the killing of Duncan simple and would be easy to erase. She seems to be trying to tell her and Macbeth that everything would be fine, and no one would ever know that they planned out how to kill Duncan.

  30. 1.) "I dreamst last night of the three Weird Sisters. To you they have showed some truth."(Act 2 Sc. 1 Line 25)
    This quote is important because it shows that Banquo is thinking of what the Three Witches prophecized about his future.
    2.) "A dagger of the mind, a false creation."(Act 2 Sc. 1 Line 50)
    This quote is important because it shows readers Macbeth is really nervous about what he is about to do.
    3.) "Sleep no more!"(Act 2 Sc. 2 Line 54)
    This quote is important because it foreshaodws how Macbeth will be paranoid and will be vigilnt at night because someone may come and kill him in hsi sleep for killing Duncan.
    4.) "My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white."(Act 2 Sc. 2 Line 82 and 83)
    This quote is important because it shows how Lady Macbeth is just as guilty as Macbeth for commencing the assasination. She also means that she is lifeless when she says "a heart so white" because one who kills is dead and has no red puping heart.

  31. 1. "I dreamt last night of the three Weird Sisters. To you they have showed some truth" (Act Sc. 1 Line 25-26).
    This line is important because it shows that Banquo starts to believe in the witches' prophecy. This foreshadows Banquo's suspicion of Macbeth when the prophecies come true.

    2. "Nature seems dead" (Act 2 Sc 1. Line 62).
    This line is important because it is where Macbeth claims his "kind nature" is dead. This is where he fully succumbs and accept his evilness.

    3."Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more" (Act 2 Sc. 2 Line 57).
    This is line is important because it shows that Macbeth will not have a good night sleep because he has killed someone. This foreshadows that he will be haunted.

    4. I'll go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done" (Act 2 Sc. 2 Line 65-66).
    This line is important because it shows Macbeth's regret. He is horrified by what he did and regrets it. Macbeth shows he still has some of his "kind nature" within him.
