Monday, June 8, 2009

Your scene: Setting, Mood, Conflict, Characters and Summary

Act Five

1. You must post the details of your scene as discussed in class today. You must include setting, mood, conflict, characters and summary. Be sure to label your scene before your notes.

2. Describe and explain your character. Label your character before your notes.
  • What are his/her feelings, motives, conflicts, actions, desires etc...?
  • What is his/her purpose in your scene?
  • If you could hire a famous actor to play your character, who would it be? Why?


  1. Christian Sanchez
    Period #6

    1. Act 5 Sc.8:
    In act five scene eight, the conflict takes place between Macduff and Macbeth. Macduff goes into Macbeth’s castle in order to kill him and regain the throne from the evil Macbeth. He believes that Macbeth is an evil tyrant who stole the throne from the true heir. Macduff believes that Malcolm is the rightful king and he fights in order to put him back on the throne. Macduff goes into Macbeth’s castle and there is a feeling of tension in the scene. There is a mood of anger, hatred, violence, and vengeance. This scene concludes the whole story Macduff kills Macbeth. In the end, Malcolm regains the throne and Macbeth dies after Macduff stabbed him.

    2. Macduff:
    Macduff is a noble who believes that Malcolm is the rightful king. He disagrees that Macbeth should be king and he sees him as an evil tyrant who killed Duncan in order to gain power. When he walks into the castle, he looks for Macbeth in order to kill him. Macduff wants Malcolm to be king because he is the rightful heir. His role in this scene is to kill Macbeth. Macduff pulls out his sword and he starts fighting with Macbeth. When Macduff kills Macbeth, Malcolm regains the throne. A new king is crowned and order is restored in Scotland. An actor who would play Macduff would be Jensen Ackles. He would fit into this role because he will be able to show Macduff’s emotions. Macduff is a strong character who tries to get revenge for his families death.

  2. Act 5 Scenes 4
    Malcolm- Katherine
    Siward- Stephanie
    Soldiers- Lumi
    Menteith- Matthew
    Macduff- Ying
    Angus- Jason
    Siward’s son- Me
    Setting: The setting is that they are marching toward Macbeth’s castle, Dunsinance, through the Birnam Forest.
    Mood: The mood of the scene is determined.
    Purpose and the Summary: Malcolm and his men are marching to Dunsinance to seek revenge and get back to the throne for Malcolm.
    My character is Siward’s son. He is fighting along his father and other men in this scene. His motive is to start his manhood and earn a good reputation. He is still young so he wants to have a good impression in the king and others. Young Siward’s purpose in the scene is to help Malcolm get back his crown. Young Siward is a helper in the play. A famous actor for the role of young Siward is Sterling Knight. He is right for this role because he is young and there is always a chance for him to learn more. I think Knight is also good in acting in his shows so I pick him.

  3. 1. Act 5, scene 5

    Setting: The castle in Scotland

    Mood: fear

    Conflict: Birnam Woods is starting to move and this means Macbeth will be in danger.

    Characters: This character are Macbeth, Seyton the servant, and the Messenger. I will act as Seyton, Elaine will act as the Messenger, and Miriam will act as Macbeth.

    Summary: Act 5, scene 5 is about when Macbeth and Seyton heard a cry from a woman. Seyton went to see what happened and it turns out that Lady Macbeth died. Later a messenger comes in to tell Macbeth that Birnam Woods is coming towards the castle. Macbeth was scared at first until he told himself not to be scared because he will not die. Macbeth will not die until a man not born from a woman kills him.

    2. My character is Seyton.

    - His is just a servant that tells Macbeth that Lady Macbeth suicided.
    - His purpose in the scene is to inform Macbeth about Lady Macbeth's death.
    - I don't know which actor I would choose if I could hire a famous actor to play my character. I think I will choose a middle aged actor that is a guy. He will have to be kind of tall. Also, he will be a little ugly. I will choose this type of actor because I imagine the servant to be kind of old and ugly.

  4. Act 5 Scene 5
    Setting: The setting is in Macbeth's castle.
    Mood: The mood of this scene is tension because Lady Macbeth has just died and people are coming after Macbeth for revenge.
    Summary: Macbeth and his servant Seyton heard a cry from a women. Seyton went to find out what happened and it turns out that lady Macbeth died. Lady Macbeth will die anyway because she is thinking about what she did. The messenger saw the forest beginning to move. Macbeth will be defeated like what the witches predicted. As the woods begin to move Macbeth will be in danger because he will be defeated by Malcolm,Macduff and the soldiers. Macbeth was a little afraid but he told himself that he will only be killed by a men not born from a women.
    Purpose:The purpose of this scene is to show that Macbeth is still strong and he doesn't want to be defeated. This scene shows that Lady Macbeth have just died and Macbeth will be defeated soon.The messenger's job is to tell Macbeth what is happening. When the messenger saw that the forest was moving he became afraid.The messenger is also very loyal to Macbeth because if he was lying he would be punished.A famous actor to play the messenger role is Zac Efron. Zac Efron usually plays the important roles and it could be a challenge for him playing a small role in the play.He will be a good actor to choose because he is well experience and it will be a new challenge for him to speak very little.

  5. Spyro Fletouris

    Act 5 Scene 1

    1) Setting: inside Macbeth's castle
    Conflict: Lady Macbeth versus herself. She emits to killing people.
    Mood: guilty and shocking
    Characters: the doctor, the gentlewoman,and lady Macbeth.

    Summary and Purpose: The GentleWoman calls for the Doctor to watch Lady Macbeth. The gentlewoman noticed that Lady Macbeth started to sleepwalk and wanted the doctor to help her. While the doctor and the gentlewoman are talking Lady Macbeth enters carrying a candle. They watch Lady Macbeth in silence and listen to her. Lady Macbeth says she won't kill again and that she murdered Duncan. The purpose of this scene is to show that Lady Macbeth is guilty and it is eating away at her.

    Lady Macbeth

    2) Lady Macbeth is trying to forget about the murders she commited. She feels guilty for the deaths of innocent people, so she could gain power. Lady Macbeth longs to forget the murders and swears she won't kill again. While she is sleepwalking Lady Macbeth washes her hands in an imagenary sink. Lady Macbeth's purpose in the scene is to show that the guilt is killing her inside. Lady Macbeth wants to forget about the murders and wants to be forgiven. The actor I would chose to play my character would be Tom Hanks. He is a very good actor who has a lot of experience. When ever Tom Hanks is in a movie he acts with so much emotion. He puts his mind into the character and becomes that character. Through the acting by Tom Hanks the people can see the feelings and emotions that are being portrayed.

  6. Act V sc i

    1. In this scene, Lady Macbeth becomes crazy and thinks there is blood on her hands. The gentlewoman sees Lady Macbeth’s actions and calls the doctor. The doctor comes and watches Lady Macbeth when she is sleep walking. He tells the gentlewoman that he doesn’t know what is wrong with Lady Macbeth and that he never saw a person like her. Lady Macbeth talks about Macduff’s family and Banquo’s death. She begins to have a guilty conscience. The conflict of this scene is Lady Macbeth verses herself or her actions. The mood of this scene is sorrow and amazement. The audience will be shocked to see how Lady Macbeth is feeling guilty. The purpose of this scene is to understand that Lady Macbeth becomes guilty.

    2. The Doctor: This character comes in to see what is wrong with Lady Macbeth. He just watches Lady Macbeth and her actions to try to see what she has. He doesn’t know what is wrong with Lady Macbeth and is amazed and shocked because he never saw anything like Lady Macbeth. The purpose of the doctor is to explain that what Lady Macbeth has is unknown and to show how she has got mad. If I would hire a famous actor to play my character it would be Peter Facinelli. He matches the role of a doctor. I picture the doctor to be something like Peter Facinelli because of his actions.

  7. Act 5, Scene 7

    Macduff/Malcolm - Rania
    Young Siward - Gianluca
    Siward - Joseph

    Setting: The setting of this scene is on the battlefield, and then in the castle.

    violence/war, intense

    Young Siward confronts Macbeth and finds out who he is and they fight each other, but he dies.

    Macbeth knows that he is surrounded and he must face the consequences. Young Siward challenges Macbeth to a fight. Macduff then enters the room and calls for Macbeth, the person that murdered his family. Siward then tells Malcolm that the castle has been surrendered and they have won the battle.

    2. Young Siward
    My character Young Siward is one of the generals son, he is the son of Siward. When he approaches Macbeth and finds out who he is he says "the evil himself could not pronounce a title More hateful to mine ear" (Act 5, sc.7, lines 10-11). He challenges Macbeth to a fight but Macbeth wasn't scared because any man born from a woman would not beat him. So he fights young Siward and he kills him. Young Siward is a very heroic and confident man to fight Macbeth. The actor that I would pick to play the part of Young Siward would be Russell Crowe because of how fearful he is. I feel that Russell Crowe is an actor who will fight and not be afraid to do so just like young Siward.

  8. Act 5 Scene 2


    Menteith- Boris
    Angus- Miguel
    Lennox- Brandon
    Caithness- Michelle

    Setting: Walking through a forest or trail towards Birnam Wood.

    Mood: Proud and determined

    Conflict: The men want to fight against Macbeth so that they can gain back Scotland.

    Summary: The Scottish are marching together to meet with the English forces with Malcom and Macduff near Birnam Wood that is near Macbeth’s castle. The men talk about the members of their army and also talk about Macbeth. They say that Macbeth is a paranoid King and that he will no longer have power. The men also agree that they will fight against Macbeth until the end because they need to help “cure” Scotland.


    Caithness is a soldier who is confidant that Macbeth is not fit to be King. He thinks Macbeth is a paranoid man who is crazy for thinking he can justify his actions. Caithness wants to fight against Macbeth because he feels he has caused Scotland to fall apart. Caithness believes that it is their duty to return Scotland to it’s previous state.

    Caithness’s purpose in this scene is to show the audience how driven these men are to dethrone Macbeth. Caithness gives reasons why Macbeth is an unfit King, and then he continues to say that it is their obligation to restore order in Scotland.

    If I could choose any famous actor to play Caithness it would be Liam Neeson. From watching previous films Liam Neeson has acted in, he seems to play the role of an asserted person very well. I feel that Caithness is a man who is sure of what actions he wants to take and Liam Neesom can definitely nail that.

  9. Act V scene i

    1.)Characters: Lady Macbeth, Gentlewoman, Doctor
    Conflict:Lady Macbeth v.s. herself
    Setting: In the castle
    Moods: Guilt, Sorrow, Amazement, shocked
    Summary:Gentlewoman calls the Doctor to come and she is wrong with Macbeth because Lady Macbeth sees blood in her hand and she feels guilt. She sleep walks. They do not know what is wrong with her.

    2.)My character is Gentlewoman. She is a lady who calls the Doctor to come see what is wrong with Lady Macbeth. Her mood in the scene is amazement and shocked. All she does is calls the doctor and speaks to the doctor about Lady Macbeth and her weird actions she is making. If I would hire an actor for the Gentlewoman, it would be someone who can act pretty good on being amazed and curious.

  10. a. Act 5 Sc. 2

    Conflict – The soldiers march and are determined to defeat Macbeth.

    Mood: There is a cool but yet anxious mood as the men are eager to fight Macbeth.

    Characters - Boris will act as Menteith, Michelle will play Caithness, Brandon will play as Lennox and I will act as Angus.

    Summary/Setting - The warriors are walking in a group while they talk about the English armies which they will meet in Birnam Woods. They have a short discussion about the people who are part of the English army. They do not leave Macbeth out of their conversation as they critique his position as king. They mention that his king’s robe is too big for him. They then proceed towards Birnam Woods with a lot of determination.

    b. Character: Angus

    My character is Angus. Angus is a Scottish nobleman and his purpose is to be part of Macduff’s army to fight against Macbeth. He doesn’t say much in comparison to the other characters in the scene but when he does speak he directs to Macbeth. He analyzes his position as king and the fact that he has “secret murders” behind him. He is ready and very willing to kill Macbeth and is determined to do so like the other men in his group.

  11. Act 5 Scene 4

    Malcolm- Katherine
    Siward- Stephanie
    Soldiers- Lumi
    Menteith- Matthew
    Macduff- Ying
    Angus- Jason
    Young Siward- Lillian

    Setting - Birnam Wood

    Mood - Determination and Vengeance

    Summary - Malcolm tells the soldiers to take a branch and camouflage themselves to hide the number of their army. Malcolm and his army march towards the castle to attack and overthrow Macbeth.

    Macduff wants to seek out Macbeth and kill him personally because Macbeth killed his family. Macduff feels rage and wants revenge. He also wants to place the rightful heir in his throne. In this scene Macduff's purpose is to aid Malcolm in the attack against Macbeth and help him take the throne. I believe Brad Pitt would fit the role of Macduff because Macduff is portrayed as a loyal, strong and noble man. Brad Pitt starred in the movie, "Troy." I believe he has enough experience to play the role of Macduff. Brad Pitt can portray the noble and strong characteristic that is seen within Macduff.

  12. Act V, scene 3
    Characters: Macbeth, Servant, Seyton, and Doctor

    Setting: This scene takes place in King Macbeth’s castle.

    Conflict: Macbeth finds out that Scottish and English soldiers are against him. Macbeth is worried about Lady Macbeth.

    Mood: Macbeth’s moods are nervous, worried, and impatient.

    Summary: Macbeth is told that ten thousand English and Scottish soldiers are against him. Macbeth prepares to fight the soldiers by putting on his armor, but it is not needed yet. The doctor is trying to cure Lady Macbeth, who cannot rest because of her guilt, but he is having trouble doing so. Macbeth is worried about her, and he is nervous about the soldiers who are against him.

    Purpose: The purpose of this scene is to show that Macbeth has a lot to worry about. He needs to prepare to fight the soldiers who will be coming after him, and he worries about his wife who is insane. He is trying to deal with all of this so that he can stay in power, but it may become too overwhelming. This scene foreshadows that Macbeth is going to be in trouble in the future, and that he can lose his power.

    2. Seyton

    Seyton is Macbeth’s attendant. His role in this scene is to confirm that the soldiers are against Macbeth. He is also the person who helps Macbeth prepare for an upcoming battle by getting Macbeth’s armor. Seyton obeys Macbeth by getting his armor. He is confused about why Macbeth wants the armor because he does not need it yet. If I could hire a famous actor to play Seyton I would choose Emile Hirsch. I would choose him because he is a talented and versatile actor. Seyton’s role is small, but Emile Hirsch would be able to pull it off even though he is usually in larger roles.

  13. 1. Act 5: Scene 8
    Setting: Take place in Dunsinane Castle.

    Mood: Anger, hatred, violent, and revengeful.

    Conflict: Macbeth vs. Macduff.
    Macbeth finds out that Macduff was not born from a woman.

    Characters: Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm, Ross, and Siward.

    Summary: Macduff finds Macbeth and challenge him for a duel. Macbeth feels confident because he thinks Macduff was not born from a woman. Macduff informs Macbeth he was not born from a woman. Macbeth becomes afraid to fight Macduff but Macduff calls Macbeth a coward and Macbeth decides to fight. Macbeth is killed by Macduff. Siward is informed that son died. Macduff tells them that the reign of Macbeth is over. Malcolm give a speech and they celebrate their victory.

    2. Malcolm is the character I’m playing.
    Malcolm feeling during the scene is proud. He is proud to know that he and the others who were fight against Macbeth won. He is also saddened for Siward because he lost his son. But overall, Malcolm is glad to know that Macbeth is dead and he can now rule Scotland. The purpose of Malcolm in the scene is to be inform that he will now get the crown he deserves. An actor I feel that who could be hire to play the role of Malcolm is Jake Gyhenhaal. I feel that he has the strength that requires to play Malcolm. Malcolm is intelligent man and I feel the actor could fit into that role easily.

  14. Act 5 sc V

    Setting :
    The castle of Scotland

    The mood is suspenseful because it’s building up when they hear a cry and they find out that Lady Macbeth is dead.

    Characters :

    Conflict :
    The conflict is that Macbeth hears about the movement of Birnam Wood toward the Dunsinane Castle. Since Lady Macbeth died he now doesn’t have to worry about her saying that he killed Duncan.

    Summary :
    Macbeth and Seyton were talking when they both heard a cry. Seyton leaves and then returns to say that Lady Macbeth has died. The messenger then comes into the scene to say the Birnam Woods is coming towards the castle. Macbeth then gets worried when he is informed about this. Then he builds up his courage and decides to leave the castle to fight.

    Macbeth feels like he can fight against Malcolm’s forces and win. He gets worried at first when they are coming. He is a guy that will do anything to keep his power and win. The purpose of him being in the scene is to build tension and suspense. If I could hire a famous person to play my character it would be Johnny Depp. He is a good actor and can manage the insane suspenseful moods in a movie.

  15. Act 5 Scene 4

    1.Characters: Malcolm (Katherine), Siward (Stephanie), Menteith (Matt), Macduff (Ying), Soldier (Lumi), Angus (Jason), Young Siward (Lillian).

    Setting: Birnam Forest

    Mood: Confident, Hopefull

    Conflict: Malcolm and has to conceal the number of soldiers he commands in order to surprise Macbeth.

    Summary: Malcolm tells the soldiers to conceal themselves behind branches so Macbeth will underestimate his army.

    Menteith's purpose is to suck up to everyone. After Malcolm expresses how he wants a day to come when there will be peace in happiness and Menteith responds by saying "we doubt it nothing," which means something like "we believe in you!" Than when Siward asks where they are he tells him that they're in Birnam Forest. Why does he have to answer back to everyone? What a jerk. If I had to hire a famous actor to play him, I'd hire Bruce Willis to play him. No particular reason why though.

  16. |1|
    Conflict: Getting ready to fight Macbeth

    Mood: Determined, anxious, confident

    Characters: Malcolm, Siward, Macduff

    Setting: Outside of Dunsinane Castle

    Summary: Malcolm, Siward, Macduff arrive with their troops near Dunsinane Castle.

    Purpose: The purpose of having this scene is to distract the audience for a good amount of time for other actors to prepare for the next scene.

    |2|My character is Siward.

    - Siward’s feelings are confident, and anxious to see how things will go. He have great confident that Macduff, Malcolm and himself will work together to fight off Macbeth and have Macbeth destroyed! The actions of Siward would be persuading Malcolm and Macduff to fight!!! His desires is for Malcolm to be King so then he will have a nice relationship with the King of Scotland.

    - Siward is the uncle of Malcolm. Siward’s purpose in helping Malcolm is because he would rather have Malcolm as a King instead of Macbeth. If Malcolm becomes the King, Siward would have a better relationship with the King because Malcolm is his nephew. There will be less conflict between the two ruler because Siward helped Malcolm get back his throne and supported him in killing Macbeth.

    - If I can hire a famous actor to play Siward, he would be Will Smith because it would be quite interesting and perhaps, funny!

  17. Ahmed Atieh

    Act 5 Scene 3
    Characters-Macbeth, Servant, Doctor, Seyton
    Setting- Macbeth’s castle
    Conflict-At the time, Macbeth is nervous and worried because Lady Macbeth is not well. Macbeth is also worried because he has been informed about the ten thousand soldiers that await him.
    Mood-Nervous, scared, worried
    Summary- The servant informs Macbeth of the ten thousand English and Scottish soldiers that are ready to fight him. Macbeth is worried about the soldiers that await him but he also worries for Lady Macbeth. She is very ill. Macbeth prepares himself for battle by putting his armor on.

    My character is the Doctor. The doctors purpose is to try to heal Lady Macbeth. The doctor tries to heal Lady Macbeth but he is unable. He tells Macbeth that she has illusions that keep her from resting. If I had to hire a famous actor to play the doctor, it would be Will Smith. He is good at playing intense roles.

  18. Act V sc VIII

    Macbeth - Eric
    Malcolm - Alicia
    Macduff - Christian
    Siward - Denise
    Ross - Sarah

    Setting: the castle
    Conflict: Macduff fights with Macbeth. Macbeth finds out that Macduff isn't born from a woman and is killed by Macduff.
    Mood: Anger, hatred, violence and vengeful
    Summary: Macbeth and Macduff battle against eachother. Siwards finds out that his son is dead. Macduff kills Macbeth and shows his head to Malcolm and the others. Malcolm becomes king and they celebrate.
    Purpose: The purpose of this scene is to tell the readers how Macbeth is defeated and Malcolm becomes the rightful King of Scotland. It wraps up the story with a happy ending.

    My character is Ross. He is a Scottish nobleman. He, like many others, are on Malcolm's side. He wants Macbeth to die and for Malcolm to be the rightful king. His purpose in the scene is to tell Siward that his son was killed during the battle. If I could hire an actor to play Ross, I would pick Orlando Bloom. I have watched the movie Troy and his acting fits ancient times really well. His image is good for the role of a nobleman.

  19. 1. Act 5 Sc. 8

    Setting: Macbeths Castle

    Mood: Anger, hatred, violence, and retribution

    Charcters: Macbeth, Macduff, Ross and Siward

    Conflict: Macbeth is about to clash steel with Macduff. Also Macbeth finds out,Macduff is not born from woman.

    Summary: Macduff finally finds Macbeth ready for a fight.Macduff seeks vengeance for his fallen family and to put the right heir on the throne. After a long clash Macbeth is slain and Macduff decapitates Macbeth making his head his trophy. Everyone rejoices for the new king of Scotland that is Malcolm.

    2. My chracter is Macbeth, right now he is feeling guilt. Macbeth doesn't want Macduff's blood on his hands for he has killed too many people already. Macbeth then wants to fight Macduff because Macduff claims he is not born from a woman. Macbeth's purpose is to stand his ground at his castle and defend his title as King to his last breath.

    3. If I can choose an actor to play my chracter I would choose Gerard Butler to play Macbeth because, he is familiar with playing such chracters, he also has that loud emotional voice that is key to any actor playing Macbeth.

  20. Act 5 Sc 6

    This takes place outside of Macbeth's castle, Dunsinane castle.

    The mood is confident because each the warriors say how they want Macbeth to see who they are. They believe they will win the fight and they want Macbeth to know who he is up against.

    The warriors are preparing for the battle against Macbeth. They are showing him that they are not scared.


    The warriors have arrived at Macbeth's castle and they want to let him know that the cause of his death has arrived. They are preparing for the epic battle.

    My Character: Malcolm

    Malcolm is feeling proud and confident because he is giving the orders to his troops. He tells them to remover their disguises so that Macbeth can see them now. He does not believe that they will lose so he reveals his army to Macbeth.

    Malcolm is in this scene to lead the troops to Dunsinane castle and to give them their orders.

    An actor who i believe can play Malcolm is Ben Stiller. Ben Stiller plays a man who is in a war in the movies "Tropic Thunder." Ben Stiller is a good actor when it comes to giving orders and giving off a confident mood. Be Stiller shows this in the movie just as Malcolm is showing this in the scene.

  21. Joseph Nagiub

    Act 5 Scene 7


    The conflict of this scene is between Macbeth and everyone else.Macbeth speaks to Siward's son and then kills him after revealing his name.Macbeth is then surrounded by many foes and people from his own kingdom.


    The setting is at the battle field until they enter the castle.


    The mood of this scene is violent and intense.


    Macbeth is on the battle field ready to fight when he knows he has too.Macbeth has a battle with young Siward and then kills him.Macduff then calls out Macbeth to a battle and it determined to kill him for everything he has done.Everyone is against Macbeth and waiting to fight him.


    Macbeth is losing his power and he's losing his castle.

    Character: Siward

    My character is Siward,he is a general and a friend to Malcolm and Macduff. He's trying to help Malcolm and Macduff take back Scotland from Macbeth."The day almost itself proffesses yours, And little is to do(5.7.32-33).He wants Malcolm to become king and knows that the war is already done.The war is done after Macbeth's people surrendered."The castle's gently rendered.The tyrant's peopleon both sides do fight(5.7.29-30)".Macbeth's soldiers gave up and are now against him.The war is basically over with everyone against Macbeth.

  22. Characters- Macbeth, Siward, young Siward, Malcolm, and Macduff
    Setting- The scene takes place on the battle field and then in the Palace.
    Mood- Violent, vengeful, and Hopeful

    Summary- Macbeth is disturbed by the fact that the Birnam Wood have come to Dunsinane castle, and waits on the battle field for Malcolm. He sees that there is no place to hide and the only way out of the horrible situation is to face it head on. He is confident that he cannot die for there is no man that is not born of woman. Macbeth is in the battle field and encounters young Siward. The two men fight and Macbeth kills Young Siward. As Macbeth fights on the battlefield, Macduff is looking for Macbeth to take revenge. While Macduff searches for Macbeth, Malcolm and Siward are victorious at taking over the castle.

    My character- Macbeth
    Macbeth is the main character of the book and very hard to portray. He changes throughout the story and is very different at the end from what he is in the beginning. In the scen he fights Young Siward and kills him. He is very confident in the fights and knows that he will be victorious. If I were to choose someone to play the role of Macbeth I would choose either Gerard butler, or Eric Bana. They both have experience form previous movies and I believe they might be good at playing a character like Macbeth.

  23. Monica Lopez(Eric Franics posting for Monica Lopez because her computer is acting up)

    Assigned character: Servant in scene 3, act 5.
    The servant is basically the person that takes Macbeths orders. The servant doesn’t have much of a huge important role as to like Macbeth, but with ought the servant Macbeth would have to be doing everything himself.

    The Castle.

    Macbeth has a lot on his mind. He receives news on how the Scottish and English forces are going against him. In the meantime he is worried about his wife’s health and is anxious to hear what the doctor has to say about her standard health.

    Macbeth has problems with the English and Scottish forces and he also is concerned on his wifes health.

    Anxious, worried, nervous and impatient

  24. Nestor L
    Macbeth: Nestor
    Servant: Monica
    Seyton: Marina
    Doctor: Ahmed

    Setting: Macbeth’s Castle.

    Mood: Anxious, Nervous, worrisome, and impatient.

    Conflict: Macbeth is informed that English and Scottish soldiers are against him and he is worried about Lady Macbeth.

    Summary: Macbeth is informed about the English and Scottish troops that are against him. Then he asks for his armor and sends some horses. He also tells the doctor to cure his beloved wife. Then Macbeth readies for war.

    Macbeth is very nervous and impatient because he has many things in mind. He is anxious about the English and Scottish soldiers as well as Malcolm. He is also very impatient and somewhat in fear about his wife, since she is ill he wants the doctor to heal her. In the scene he is putting his armor on and preparing for battle. Macbeth also keeps on telling the doctor to heal Lady Macbeth. If I was able to hire a famous actor to play Macbeth I would hire Johnny Depp since he is a great actor and he would just be great at acting Macbeth.

  25. Brandon Cadmen

    Act 5 scene 2.

    Conflict- The English army are confident in defeating Macbeth.
    Mood- The mood is desperate and anxious, the militants want to fight in combat.
    Brandon- Lennox
    Miguel- Angus
    Michelle- Caithness
    Boris- Mantieth

    Summary- The men of the English army are static for a brief moment as they discuss how they will meet in the Birnam Woods. They talk about who will fight in the war for the English, and also of Macbeth. They criticize his position and pick at him. In the end of the scene they start to move once again.

    Lennox- My character is Lennox. Lennox is a Scottish Nobleman. He is a solid and calm character as it is seen in his few lines in Act 5 scene 2. First he talks about young Siward, and about the other young men who are going to take part in the battle as they protest their manhood. Then in the end he tells everyone to begin marching towards the Birnam Woods.

  26. Group Members: Rania, Saqib, GianLuca, and Joseph
    ACT V Scene 7
    1. Characters:
    • Macbeth
    • Malcolm
    • Macduff
    • Siward
    • Young Siward
    Summary: Macbeth has been captured by the army soldiers and tied to a stake. Siward’s young son approaches Macbeth and tries to fight him. Young Siward fails and is killed. Macduff then enters the castle with Siward. Macduff wants to find and kill Macbeth so that Macduff’s wife and children’s ghosts will not return to haunt him. They roam the castle halls to look for Macbeth.
    Conflict: All are looking to kill Macbeth.
    Setting: Battlefield & Dunsinane Castle
    Mood: Violent, Intense, Heart-Thumping, extreme
    2. My characters are Malcolm and Macduff.
    Malcolm has only one line in this scene. Malcolm along with Macduff and Siward is looking for Macbeth. Malcolm’s purpose in this scene is that when Macbeth is caught and killed, Malcolm is then crowned King.
    Macduff is very anxious in this scene. He is eager to get revenge against Macbeth for the murder of his family. Macduff is in constant search for Macbeth around the castle. Macduff is supported by the Scottish and English army.
    I would choose Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp to play Malcolm and Macduff. I think they’re two very strong male actors. This scene has a very violent and rush taste to it that these actors can definitely portray.

  27. Act 5 Sn 2

    In this scene the rebels are discussing where they will meet Malcom in order to fight against Macbeth.
    They have a vendetta with Macbeth, who they dispose, for they know of his terrible acts. They feel Malcom is the rightful king and are prepared to battle Macbeth and his army (who they feel isn't loyal to Macbeth )They also know that it will be a tough task ahead.

    Characters Boris - Menteith, Michelle - Caithness, Brandon - Lennox and Miguel - Angus.

    Setting - Birnam woods

    My character Menteith is a brave solider who is exited about having change to his country after the evil Macbeth.

    Conflict- The rebels are trying to find Malcom , so hew can lead them in the rebellion.

    An actor I would choose for this scene I would choose is Hugh Laurie. He is very talented and has the ability to "drown" himself in the role

  28. Jason G
    Act 5 Scene 4

    Malcolm- Katherine
    Siward- Stephanie
    Soldiers- Lumi
    Menteith- Matthew
    Macduff- Ying
    Angus- Me
    Siward’s son- Lillian
    Setting: The setting is the Birnam Wood.
    Mood: Vengeance, persuasive, and strong-minded
    Purpose and the Summary: Malcolm and his people have rally up to return the throne to the true King Malcolm.
    My character is Angus. Angus is a Scotsman’s and must kill Macbeth. He is urgently wanting to kill Macbeth to restore the crown to the rightful king.

  29. 1.
    Young Siward:Lillian

    Setting:Birnam Wood
    Mood: Angst and anxiety, anger
    Conflict:Malcolm and his men prepare to enter war with Macbeth.
    Summary: Malcolm and the other men are in Birnam Wood nearing Macbeth. Malcolm decides that the men should conceal how many of them there really are by hiding behind tree branches.

    2. My character is Malcolm. Malcolm is feeling anxious and ready for war. He hopes for the best and doesn't seem as blood thirsty as i would expect Macduff to be. He takes on the role of a leader and remain a stable force among other characters. His purpose to the scene is to become the stability the characters need. He is what keeps everything togethe. Malcolm is there future and his character's purpose is to hold everyone togther. For Malcolm i would hire Eric Bana to play him. I feel Eric Bana would make a great king because of the kind and loyal side he had in Troy. He seemed like an honest man who died defending his brother yet i feel Eric Bana also posseses the strength, drive and dominating power he showed as king in The Other Boleyn Girl that Malcolm requires.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Character :
    Malcolm- Katherine
    Siward- Stephanie
    Siward’s son- Lillian
    Macbeth- Matthew
    Macduff- Ying
    Soldiers- Lumi (Me)
    Angus- Jason
    Mood: Determined
    Setting: The Birnam Forest
    Summary: Malcolm and Macduff's army is marching towards Macbeth to revenge the death of Macduff's family, Banquo and Duncan.

    2. The character I am assigned to is the soldier of Malcolm and Macduff's ten thousand men army. I feel determined to eliminate the evil and corrupted King, Macbeth, and will fight till the end. My motives is nothing other than following my commander's command. The purpose of me in Act 5 scene 4 is to get ready to battle and show Macbeth that we outnumber him by thousands of men and that he should be afraid. If i could hire a actor to act out my role it would be Brendan Gleeson from Troy, he was the commander of another army that was fearless and fought till the end. I think he would portray my role as a strong and wild soldier that will do whatever it takes to protect his honor and his country.

  32. SCENE 8

    Conflict: Macduff fights Macduff. Macbeth finds out that Macduff isn't born from a woman.
    Setting: Macbeth's castle
    Mood: anger, hatred, violence, retribution, vengeful
    Characters: Macbeth, Malcolm, Macduff, Siward, Ross
    Summmary: Macduff fights Macbeth and then kills him. Macduff shows Macbeth's head to everyone. He is declared king and celebrates.
    Purpose: The purpose of the play is to sum up the play; get Macbeth killed.

    My character = Siward
    Siward feels sad and angry since Macbeth killed his son, Young Siward. His purpose in the scene is to lead the English army to go against Macbeth. The actor I would pick to play Siward's part is Paul Blackthorne because I can imagine him more as a leader.

  33. Sully Guzman

    Act 5. Sc V


    My character is Macbeth, In this scene, he is boasting about the battle between him and his warriors. He is very confident that he will win this battle.

    Setting: In the castle

    Mood: Anxiety, Suspense

    Conflict: Macbeth is told by a messenger that the Forest is beginning to move. In denial Macbeth does not believer the messenerger at first. Then, he begins to worry that what the messenger said might be true.

  34. Scene 4

    Setting: Birnam wood
    Mood: Intense; Determined; Hopeful; Confident
    Summary: Malcolm, Macduff and the warriors are planning they're going to approach Macbeth's castle. They have their flags and drums ready to march past the forest into Dunsinane where Macbeth is. They're planning out their attack. They want Macbeth and his army to underestimate them so they camouflage themselves creating the illusion that they are less people than they actually are. They head out for war.
    Conflict: Warriors vs. Macbeth
    Characters: Siward, Siward's son, Malcolm, Menteith, Macduff, Angus, and Soldier.

    My character: Siward

    Siward is the commander of the army that Malcolm and Macduff have gathered to fight against Macbeth. Siward feels determined and strong. He wants to win this battle and is making his moves as strategic as possible. Siward's purpose in this scene is to create a sense of direction and organize the moves of the army instead of simply attacking without a plan.
    If I were to chose a famous actor to play Siward it would be Tim Robbins, the main character in The Shawshank Redemption. This is because in his acting he is very serious and direct. He keeps a determined attitude. He knows what he wants and he knows exactly how to get what he wants. He would be a great leader.
